Neurodivergent affirming health care for adults

+61 490 878 840


Health Care

ND Health Hub is a neurodiversity affirming health hub, run by neurodivergents allied health professionals for neurodivergent adults. Be seen by someone that gets you, join a community where you feel seen and feel you belong. We specialise in providing health care to neurodivergent individuals, at your home, over the phone or video calls.

Self acceptance, self compassion and understanding your unique brain

Autism & ADHD

We support individuals that have autism, ADHD or are AuDHD’er. Those that were late diagnosed, are high masking, or lack representation in marginalised groups. From assessments and report writing to helping adjust to the challenges of daily living. Most importantly, you can speak to a professional that has lived experience

Building a community, you are not alone friend.

Allied Health Services

Providing at home services
Providing telehealth, video call, phone call services
  • Neurodiversity-Affirming Occupational Therapy helps individuals thrive in daily life by celebrating their neurological differences. It focuses on:

    • Emotional Regulation: Strategies to manage emotions, impulses, and behaviors.

    • Sensory Support: Accommodations to manage sensory sensitivities or preferences.

    • Communication Support: Developing effective communication skills and strategies.

    • Social Skills Support: Facilitating social interactions and building relationships.

    • Fatigue Management: Strategies for managing energy and preventing burnout.

    • Environmental Modifications: Adapting spaces to better suit individual needs.

    • Workplace Supports: Helping individuals develop skills and strategies for maintaining employment.

    The therapy focuses on overall well-being—mental, physical, and social health—by using person-centered, strength-based approaches. The goal is to create a supportive, inclusive environment where individuals can fully participate in their chosen activities and roles.

  • Speech pathologists are skilled in delivering customised support to help neurodivergent individuals navigate their distinct experiences and reach their personal and social objectives. Their expertise focuses on enhancing communication skills, fostering social development, supporting cognitive and language processing, and promoting inclusivity and self-advocacy. By addressing these areas, speech pathologists play a vital role in guiding neurodivergent individuals through their unique challenges, empowering them to thrive in both their personal and social lives.

  • Our physiotherapists specialise in managing a wide range of physical conditions, including those more commonly found in neurodiverse populations, such as:

    • POTS

    • Connective tissue disorders, including Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

    Additionally, we assist with more general concerns like:

    • Pain management

    • Rehabilitation after injuries

    • Pre-surgical joint preparation

    The key advantage of working with our physiotherapists is that you’ll receive care from professionals who understand your unique neurotype. With lived experience and a deep understanding of your needs, our team creates an environment where you feel truly understood and supported, ensuring you're speaking the same language.

  • We know how important community is, a place where you feel you belong. At ND health hub, building a community is at the core of our work.

    ND Health Hub is looking at starting group sessions and work shops that target building community, connecting you with other neurodivergent individuals with our shared values.

    Please express your interest through the ‘Contact Us’ page.